03 June 2010

wooden spools of thread

I was checking out one of my usual blogs, lushlee the other day (it's a great blog, you should follow) when I saw this posting called vintage wooden spool vase.  
Well it inspired me and I got onto Etsy, where else, and typed in wooden spools and I found this listing Vintage Wooden Spools, Altered Art by Rolling Hills Vintage.  What a great shop she has and I was her 500th sale!  Isn't that awesome. 
I received these lovely little wooden spools when out to the backyard and clipped some flowers that are slowly fading as the heat of summer fades in and created my own vases.  I really loved the way it all turned out and I have more coming... another listing of 39 spools!  Should be fun to create a larger staging of them, don't you think?

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